I Am Number Four Wiki


I Am Number Four Wiki
Energy Blasts
Possessed By Unknown Garde protecting the Loric Ship, Pittacus Lore
Primary Function Blasts of energy to be used in combat

"...she stares over her shoulder as a Loric in a sleek bodysuit fires a cone of freezing cobalt energy into the face of a snarling piken."

(Adamus Sutekh, The Fallen Legacies)

Energy blasts (actual name unknown) is a Legacy that produces icy cobalt blue energy beams from the hands that can be used as a physical attack.

Known Users

Unknown Garde

Number One watches in admiration and fear as a male Garde fights a Piken in order to protect the nine Garde children shortly before they leave the planet. 

Pittacus Lore

Has all legacies.
